Jacket design by Gavin L. O'Keefe

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and Other Stories

Volume #4 in the Day Keene in the Detective Pulps Series

by Day Keene

With an Introduction by David Laurence Wilson


Day Keene wrote these ten tales for the pulps under the pseudonyms Gunard Hjerstedt and John Corbett. Now, thanks to the research of David Laurence Wilson, they are collected in one place for modern Day Keene fans to enjoy. For years the pseudonyms remained a secret. Rumor has it that a 5th book in this Day Keene series is soon to follow.

The titles are:

Pure and Simple—Gunard Hjertstedt—Detective Fiction Weekly, October 31, 1931

Excuse My Crust—Gunard Hjertstedt—Detective Fiction Weekly December 5, 1931

The Case of the Bearded Bride—Gunard Hjertstedt—Clues Detective Stories May, 1935

Tong Boy Goes to War—John Corbett—Detective Tales, April 1942

You Only Live Twice—John Corbett—Detective Tales, May 1945

Dig Deep, Brother—John Corbett—Detective Tales, October 1945

This Way Out—John Corbett—Dime Mystery May 1946

Alias Jenny Catalpa—John Corbett—Detective Tales, January 1948

Setup in 819—John Corbett—Detective Tales, May 1948

It’s Better to Burn—John Corbett—New Detective Magazine, March 1950

225 pages.

Available Editions

$20  Trade Paperback

$35  Hardcover with dust jacket

 This book is available at Amazon but I can offer you a discount and free shipping (in the USA) if you e-mail me with your order. flyingspiderster@gmail.com