Jacket design by Gavin L. O'Keefe

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Dancing Tuatara Press #11

 Sean M'Guire

Sean M'Guire wrote this lost race novel in 1930 when such stories were mired in racism and formula. But BEAST OR MAN? is more in the mold of H. Rider Haggard and addresses deeper themes, and at the same time, providing a rousing romp through Africa. This is the first book from Dancing Tuatara Press, an imprint (DTP) which promises to publish more novels of Sean M'Guire.

The Dancing Tuatara Press books feature authors who have been forgotten and neglected and John Pelan introduces all of them.

Available Editions

$20  Trade Paperback

$35  Hardcover with dust jacket

This book is available at Amazon but I can offer you a discount and free shipping (in the USA) if you e-mail me with your order. flyingspiderster@gmail.com

$20  Trade Paperback 6" x 9"

$35  Hardcover with Dustjacket  6" x 9"