Jacket design by Gavin L. O'Keefe



Wade Wright


Between 1964 and 1982 the South African mystery writer Wade Wright wrote 14 novels featuring one of his three PIs: Paul Cameron, Bart Condor or just plain Calhoun. Ramble House is proud to present a brand new Paul Cameron novel, ECHO OF FEAR, written recently. It's the start of a republication of all of Wright's novels by Ramble House, which includes:

Suddenly You’re Dead, 1964 [Bart Condor; New York City, NY]

Blood in the Ashes, 1964 [Bart Condor]

A Hearse Waiting, 1965 [Bart Condor; New York City, NY]

Until She Dies, 1965 [Bart Condor; California]

Blonde Target, 1966 [Bart Condor; New York City, NY]

Shadows Don’t Bleed, 1967 [Paul Cameron; California]

The Sharp Edge, 1968 [Paul Cameron]

No Haloes in Hell, 1969 [Paul Cameron]

Two Faces of Death, 1970 [Bart Condor]

Don’t Come Back! 1973 [Calhoun]

The Hades Hello, 1973 [Paul Cameron; Los Angeles, CA]

It Leads to Murder, 1981 [California]

Death at Nostalgia Street, 1982 [New England]

The Girl from Yesterday, 1982 [Calhoun; U.S. Midwest]

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Read the First Chapter

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