Jacket design by Gavin L. O'Keefe

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HOSTESSES IN HELL and Other Stories

The Selected Stories of Russell Gray, Volume I

Dancing Tuatara Press #16

Russell Gray

You won't believe the mayhem in these nine stories from the pulps by Russell Gray. John Pelan, in his introduction, explains how Gray got away with all the gore and torture back in the 30s when these stories were written and published. The stories in this volume are:

Hostesses in Hell, Terror Tales, Mar/Apr 1939

The Cat Woman, Dime Mystery Magazine, Nov 1936

Death Sends His Mannikins, Dime Mystery Magazine, Dec 1937

Fresh Fiancés for the Devil’s Daughter, Spicy Horror Stories, May 1940

The Gargoyles of Madness, Uncanny Tales, Aug 1939

Girls for the Pain Dance, Dime Mystery Magazine, May 1937

School Mistress of the Mad, Terror Tales, Jan/Feb 1939

Song of Evil Love, Sinister Stories, Feb 1940

We Who Are Lost, Terror Tales, Jan 1941

300 pages.

Available Editions 

$20  Trade Paperback 6" x 9"

$35 Hardcover with Dustjacket  6" x 9"


This book is available at Amazon but I can offer you a discount and free shipping (in the USA) if you e-mail me with your order. flyingspiderster@gmail.com