LOADSTAR was one of the very first disk-magazines ever published. In 1982 Jim Mangham got the idea of a monthly magazine on disk filled with programs, graphics and text that people would run on their computer. In 1984 the first issue of LOADSTAR, a magazine for the Commodore 64/128 computer was launched and over the next 15 years and 199 issues, a LOT of stuff was published on these disk magazines. Now, for $15 you can have everything we ever published, with a quick and easy download.

Here's some of what you'll get:

~ All 199 issues of LOADSTAR in .d64 and .d81 format

~ All 42 issues of LOADSTAR 128 in .d64 format

~ .TXT files of all of the text on the issues for fast searching on your PC

~ All 21 issues of UpTime (a rival disk magazine that LOADSTAR soundly defeated and bought)

~ JPGs of all of the color covers of the issues when LOADSTAR was sold in stores

~ PDFs of all 73 issues of The LOADSTAR Letter, Jeff Jones' excellent newsletter companion to LOADSTAR

~ MP3s of selected Knees Calhoon songs

~ .d64 files of every LOADSTAR product published separately from the monthly issues: the Compleat Bible, the Compleat Programmer, all five LOADSTAR Extras, Barbara Schulak's puzzles, etc.

~ All of Dave Marquis' SID and MIDI music

~ All of Walt Harned's artwork -- Walt is the most prolific artist ever for the Commodore computer

~ and whatever else I could find from the historic LOADSTAR archives.

For fans of Robin Harbron @ 8-Bit Show-and-Tell, LOADSTAR Compleat is now only $15.

To order, email fender.tucker@gmail.com

Then he'll e-mail you payment details.

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