Jacket design by Gavin L. O'Keefe


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Volume 1


by Richard A. Lupoff


Introduced by Ed Gorman


When Richard Lupoff approached his 80th year he took stock of all that he had written over the past 60 years and realized he had a book or two of memoirs, interviews, articles and tidbits. These writings covered an astonishing range from hardcore SF fandom to rock&roll journalism to Lovecraftian intrigue to professional baseball. So he started editing them into a book and soon it was obvious that what we have here as Volume 1 is just the hot stuff that lays the foundation for what will be a 3-volume opus.


Ed Gorman starts the book off with a tribute worthy of a Marc Antony and it just gets juicier from there. The cover by Gavin L. O'Keefe gives you an idea of some of the pictures found in the book.


Richard A. Lupoff has been doing it for over 60 years and Gavin and I enjoy having him here at Ramble House as a link to the "normal" publishing world of the previous century. Now, thanks to the new way of publishing, we can hear stories about the old way that are heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. And who knows? YOU might be in this book.


270 pages.


Available Editions 


   $6  Ebook (EPUB or MOBI) 

  $18 Trade Paperback 6" x 9"

 $32  Hardcover with Dustjacket  6" x 9" 

This book is available at Amazon but I can offer you a discount and free (USA) or cost (elsewhere) shipping if you e-mail me with your order. flyingspiderster@gmail.com